Throughout her career, Dr. Acker has received various recognition of her work. A few are listed below, with a few of the most prestigious awards listed in detail.
Hunter College (CUNY) Alumni Hall of Fame, 2007.
Sociologists for Women in Society, Feminist Lecturer Award, 2005-2006
"The SWS Distinguished Lectureship was founded in 1985 as a way of recognizing members whose scholarship employs a feminist perspective and of making this feminist scholar available to campuses that are isolated, rural, located away from major metropolitan, areas, bereft of the resources neede dto invite guest speaker, and/or characterized by hostility to feminist scholarship. A key goal of the program is to provide a feminist voice on capmuses where such perspective is unusual and/or unwelcome"-Sociologists for Women in Society
*American Sociological Association Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award, 1993
"The W.E.B. DuBois Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award honors scholars who have shown outsanding commitment to the profession of sociology and whose cumulative work has contributed in important ways tot he advancement of hte dsicipline. The body of lifetime work may include theoretical and/or methodological contributions. The award selection committee is particularly interested in work that substantially reorients the field in general or in a particular subfield" -American Sociological Association
*Jessie Bernard Award, American Sociological Association, 1989
"The Jessie Bernard Award is given in recognition of scholarly work that has enlarged the horizons of sociology to encompass fully the role of womein in society. THe contrbution may be in empirical research, theory, or methodology. It is presented for significant cumulative work done through a professional career. The award is open to women or men and is not restricted to sociologists".-American Sociological Association
*Ford Foundation Fellowship for support of dissertation research, 1965-1966
*Bobbs Merril Award in Sociology, Unvieristy of Oregon, 1965
*University Scholarship, University of Chicago, 1956-1948
*Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude, Honors in Sociology, Hunter College, 1946
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